Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Friday, May 15, 2009


Yeah I know it's a bit late. I thought I'd already posted them but I rechecked and umm yeah, here you go!!

L turned 4 years old the other day and boy did we have FUN. This 1st picture is him after he 'helped' make his birthday cake. Every birthday they get to help and every birthday they really are more help. J can almost make his own!! The 1st time I looked at this picture I had to blink and look again. L looks JUST like a mini Uncle Danny in this picture. My brother Danny has a goatee and mustache like L has in the picture and they are surely related!!
This is him with his "birthday." Some of you may remember that before the kids birthday we take them into the local $$ store and they get to pick plates, napkins, cups and one 'special thing' for their birthday party. Normally this cost us less then $10 and makes the day for the child!! L has always called these things 'his birthday' and they wait in the 'birthday bag' until the party when he gets to open them and put them out ready to use. He really wanted a tiger cake. 1st it was a white tiger with black strips. Easy I thought. Then he changed it to a orange tiger with black stripes. EEEK. But it worked out. When I finished with the cake L came over to have a look and said. "Where is my tiger!!" and I thought OH NO. But I'd taken a picture of it, it really did look little like a tiger from close up, and he was very happy with it after that. He, as you can see, was VERY EXCITED!! :)
Here is a picture of the group of children. The T family came to help us celebrate and M&A and family also came later for cake. Uncle K and Auntie A and M and C came the next day to surprise him. Grandma and Grandpa F missed the party but we saw them a few days before the 'big day' so that was great. The T family has 3 children. A girl and 2 boys all with T names (the Papa and Momma have T names as well) and they are all 1 to 3 months younger then our oldest 3 children. They all get along great as well. So we always have a party with the T family. Oh and their last name is T too :)

Here is L blowing out his 'ducks' one of the things he picked out at the $$ store.

L loves CARS and has wanted a "Mac" for a long time. So he got one for his birthday. It was quite the sought after toy that evening as all 4 of the little boys wanted it and all 4 had to share!!! The next day L played with it ALL day and loves it still. Papa's grandparents send $$ up for the kids birthdays and Christmases every year and the "Mac" was actually from Granny and Bruce. Which the kids think is really special.

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