Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moving The Shed. Part 2.

Chip is watching Papa lift the shed with the bobcat so he can put poplar poles under it for skids and rolling power.
Ok now you can REALLY see it. We started 2 years ago and took about a 8th of the trees out starting by the raised beds. Then last fall and this spring we really went at it and it's mostly finished behind the shed. This sounds easy but mostly it was black spruce with a bit of white spruce and poplar mixed in. Black spruce is the WORST tree on the place we've had to deal with yet. They grow tall and spindly with lots of branches and very close together and the wood is pretty useless if it's small. We took all the black spruce out first and then took a good look at was was left and decided to take them all out! This spring we decided to MOVE the shed and are VERY happy with it so far. As you can see we left a 20 foot buffer of trees between us and the neighbor and about 30 feet between us and the road. Our 5 acres is very long and narrow.. the shed you see above the trailer in the picture is the neighbors.

A Better Picture. :) Stil Shed Moving BEFORE Pictures.

Ok mostly what you see is the inside of our covered parking area and two little boys getting firewood. BUT if you look behind them you can see from right to left. The driveway, the trees over my raised bed area, a break in the trees that we did years ago for the log truck driveway, , the ambulance, scout, and pickup, and then more trees behind the IHC's. The shed is just out of the picture surrounded by even more trees.

Ok now that we know the area I'm talking about ON WITH THE SHOW!! LOL :)

Raised beds.. connected too but not part of Moving The Shed :)

Ok so here is a picture of the raised beds before they got filled up. If you look at the picture below and find the yellow travelall in it, I was standing where the travelall was parked to take this picture. Confused yet? Don't worry it will make sense in a bit :) Our house is off down to the right.
**Disclaimer.. I am not crazy :) It is VERY hard to take pictures of this area we've been working on before as it was tree covered.

Moving The Shed.. Part One!

Do you see a shed? LOL. This is a LOUSY picture but it's the best I could find as we did not take before pictures. Ok BEHIND the trailer Papa is pulling with the bobcat is a shed. It was there when we moved there. Who ever built it buit it crooked to the land, house and road. It was an eyesore! It's sort of a 'everything' shed at the moment but will hopefully be cleaned out soon. Beside the shed in the trees you can see a brown and white camper. We moved that last fall to beside the driveway by the pile of shavings and peat moss. Right between the bucket and the body of the bobcat you can see a black and white thing. That is the front of Papa's 'tool truck' Clifford. He does not run and is used for storage. Right behind the body of the bobcat you can see the front of the ambulance we got a couple of years ago for when we outgrow the travelall. Then you see a green spot between the bobcat and the travelall which is parked behind the small set of trees that has my raised beds under them. Got it? LOL. (Just so you know those little white things under the travelall in the picture are our broiler birds out on pasture.) You can't see it in the picture but there was an brown and white scout between Clifford and the ambulance. (His name is Scotty and he's my favorite IHC) Yes I know that's a LOT to see in a picture of a bobcat pulling a trailer :) Sorry.