Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Weekend Project. The End of Day 6!

It's starting to look like a building and not just a mess of wood and straw! You can see most of it in this picture. The bales fit nicely around the poles and the poles keep them in place. The one corner with out a pole has rebar chunks thru it to keep it pinned together better. 

The front wall!! Window and door are in place and bales surround most of it. I need to make mini bales for the gap between the window and door. At this point I was doing, and had done, most of the bales while Papa worked on doors and windows and all things wood. He did help me get a few high bales up. But I also had a couple of buckets that I used stacked together to give me some height. 

Inside view. Papa swept the floor and boy did that ever change the look! Straw covered the floor before.. Actually straw is everywhere at this point! *STILL IS!! :) 

The back corner. The wood stove you see will be in that corner. 

Weekend Project. Day 6!

The door to the trailer half surrounded by walls :) Waiting on a window box for the window into the trailer. That window will be removed and will help with heating the trailer. The woodstove will go in the corner right by that piece of flashing (tin) and a fan in the middle of the room to move heat around.
It was a beautiful day, the sun shone all day! The kids had a blast helping and playing outside. Here is the start of a frame for the front window. At this point there was a 2 course layer of bales around the whole thing!
The back door! In and waiting for a window on the left side. 
Papa monkeying around, he's actually screwing the header to the window frame.. squared up and ready to roll!! 
L and E pulling a bale with the sticks Papa made them. J and L did a LOT of work too.. pulling bales, pushing bales off the floor on the other side so we could bring them over, picking up sticks and garbage and keeping the fire going. J took this picture and these next few pictures.
L goofing off for the camera.
E goofing off for the camera! He took one of R too but she was too close it was blurry and he wasn't happy with it.
The kids wagon doing bale duty! 4 bales fits nicely! And it's easy to pull!!