I'm a NINJA!!
Awww.. Tired Baby.
Um.. Mom? E tied a car and a ELEPHANT to my back!!!
Is that OK??
I am a SUPER CUTE baby.. and I have a tooth :)
S is 9 months old, eating solid everything (except cows milk, nuts and honey), he sleeps from 9pm to 8am almost every night. He love his siblings, they entertain him all the time :) He loves bacon and chilli and will only eat pancakes if you put syrup on them. He loves ketchup on just about anything and seems to enjoy the way his crackers break on the floor when he throws them! He waves goodnight and bye bye, he gives nice open mouth baby kisses, and signs 'please' if you catch him desperate enough. He drinks quite nicely from a cup and loves to cruse, stand and climb up on things. He recently got 'high centered' at Grandma's house on a stool and even got him self off! He can go up and down a stair or two and is a very happy little man!!