Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

J3~Updated Sept 12~

Cheese BALL!~ 

J3 was 2 in July and recently became the first Grigger to break a bone! He fell off our hill in the yard and broke his arm right above the elbow!! Kids heal amazingly fast and he only had his cast on for 12 days!! It was suppose to be 10 days but it worked out to go in on the 12th day so that's what happened. J3 is funny and loves jokes even if he's the only one who gets them :) He loves to play whatever the older kids are playing and is quite dangerous with a foam sword! He loves the new play area and climbs up and slides down constantly! He is sleeping on the floor in the kids room on a crib mattress and even in the training days has never came to our room in the middle of the night. Though L and R both have had night visits in their bottom bunks. He can open the outside door but not the bedroom door which is a first for us. 
He loves animals and packs the cats around, often head down, for as long as they will let him. Chip enjoys him petting him and will go up to J3 and lick him. He LOVES cows and for a while everything was a 'cow' and even now any animal that is black and white is automatically a cow. He is stringing words together in small sentences and enjoys a good argument. He loves to push R on the tricycle but will rarely let her push him. He LOVES rides in the wagon and J and he had a blast a while a go when J pulled him in the wagon behind his bike. He loves his rubber boots and hates shoes of any kind. I think he has his wide mothers feet :(   He is a big boy and at 2 is the same weight and shoe size as 4 year old R.  He's just a couple inches shorter then her. 

J3 is now 18 months old, full of smiles and cuddles. He's had his 1st and 2nd hair cuts. He LOVES kids, trucks, dinosaurs, animals, books, food, the great outdoors, food, wrestling, running at top speed through the house, tickling, putting things in the garbage, and Baby G. It makes him very happy if you can find a chore for him when the other kids are doing chores... even something as simple as cleaning up toys or putting the tiniest thing in the garbage.  He is starting to talk quite a bit and has quite a vocab already. He loves to say Grace and it was his 1st unprompted word!! Yuck is another favorite word and we hear it every time he fills his pants :) He says you as yous and love is looobe. He says Momma and Pa (for some reason neither he or R could say Papa at this age.) He says night night, OUT, HI, all his siblings names, and Hey you! He has a fake laugh and a very cute 'real' giggle. He wants to do what ever the other kids are doing whenever they are doing it. He knows a bit of sign language. He knows the signs for please, more, drink, food and uses them without prompting some of the time. 

Jesse is now 9 months old and eating, (eating comes first as he eats A LOT... almost as much as our 6 year old per day!) crawling, playing, walking around the couch, making funny noises and finally sleeping through the night on a very regular basis. He's around 23lbs now but moving around a lot so he's gaining slower.  He's quite the character and enjoys food, games, little scares, and generally getting into things. He's a very good listener already and is learning some manners. For example, pulling hair, biting, hitting, pulling things out of the bookshelf, throwing food on the floor and pitching fits are things that rarely happen anymore. We're still working on staying out of the bathroom, bedrooms and entrance (I know I'm a party pooper but really there are WAY to many things to get into in those rooms!) and staying in the living room while I'm cooking or busy. He now has 5 teeth, 2 on the bottom and 3 on the top, two on one side then a break then one more.. looks funny. He's a very brave little boy and I think he'll be walking soon. No fear. 
Jesse is now almost 6 months old and at 19lbs bigger then any of the others at this age. He's full of smiles and giggles and loves his jolly jumper and moving around on the floor. He looks a LOT like J did at that age and Papa and I have weird flash backs every once and a while from when J was little and we were a family of 3 instead of a family of 7. Jesse is a 1st for us in lots of ways, he's our 1st 9lb baby, 1st to go 13 days over (and I was STILL induced!), 1st to have a tooth at 2.5 months, 1st to drool constantly, 1st to start solids at 3 months old (L was 3.5 months:) and the 1st to be truly FAT!! This kid can EAT!! Jesse also is our worst sleeper yet.. and at almost 6 months old still does not sleep consistently. We think it's because he's growing so fast and we are pouring the food into him to see if we can change that. He loves his siblings and they love him. They totally entertain each other.