G is not allowed in the entrance because of the wood stove and the dangers there of and she can't open the door. There is a black rug between the entrance and the trailer and the edge of the rug is as far as she is allowed to go alone.
In the spring the wood stove often over produces heat during the last half of the day and as I'm still drying laundry in there I don't mind. I just let it and open some windows and often the doors in the entrance. G likes this. She will stand on the edge of the rug and look outside, but sometimes it's just too much for her. I love watching her. G will be happy on the edge of the rug looking outside and then, when she thinks I'm not looking, she glances around a little (never behind her :) ) and BOLTS for the front door.. the 2 yard dash to FREEDOM and, of course, the calf/cats/dog which she loves. She normally gets about half way there and some alert kid is already letting me know and I catch her just slowing down to very carefully step over the door frame and on to the porch!! She is quite the little sprinter!
Yup I'm a stinker!!
Since then we've been teaching her to come to one of us and grab our hands and say CALF (which she can say very well) and then she is allowed to walk to the front porch and have a visit with the animal crew that hangs out on the front porch.