I'm SO proud of him I could just BURST!!! :)
We got an email from J's teacher yesterday with the results of his reading fluency test he did last week. He did amazing. According to his teacher most grade one students at the end of the year average + or - 10 around 53. So between 43 and 63cwpm (correct words per minute).
So I was very happy to see that J got 73 cwpm!!! And 100% accuracy!!! All that reading on the computer, to the other kids and to himself is REALLY paying off!!! Right now he's reading "Farmer Boy" by Laura Ingalls Wilder and just loving it.
The thing that keeps hitting me over and over is that I TAUGHT HIM TO READ!!! I sight read.. I don't/didn't know my phonics until I taught them to J!! He reads phonetically better then I do!! Yet with our ACE ABC reading program he learned to read and I learned to read better :) Just goes to show.. we can do things bigger then ourselves.. With HIS help!!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! Philippians 4:13.