Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Oh The Mountains. Toad River. Part 1

Friends of ours, you may remember Mr.&Mrs. B?, bought a guiding outfit 4 years ago in the northern part of B.C. and added a Bed and Breakfast and for the last four years we've had an open invitation to visit them and tons of comments on 'the mountains you will see...are amazing, everywhere, so beautiful and many more. So Papa and I made some time and packed up the new Transit, and our crew and headed up for a couple days of non stop mountains and fun! 

We could only spare 4 days, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Friday the kids had a course, that had been set up for months, and Wednesday our chicks were coming and we needed to be home for that.  It's a 12 hour drive from our house so Saturday and Tuesday were driving days and Sunday and Monday were mountain and visiting days. 

Saturday we left early, for us, at 6:30am, in the POURING rain. The rain drops were so big they made puddles on the windshield and the ruts in the roads were full of running water. At one point we even hydroplaned in the van!! 

Pic of the weather system we drove thru.
We were all in high spirits though and the first 6 hours pasted fairly quickly. We stopped at their nearest largest city to pick up a grocery order for them. Mrs.B was very concerned it wouldn't fit in the van. It did. 

With room to spare. We teased her that was only a small order and she could have doubled it. I think there were 12 boxes. We also picked up some food in the city before driving on. 

The next 6 hours we drove in snow, rain and fog. We could tell we were heading up and down and around and around but could see very little else. We did see several bears, lots of deer, a few elk, a couple of moose and a lot of statues and waterfalls.

We did see a stone sheep at one point. E spotted it. We pulled over and it took the rest of us awhile to see him. 
Mr. B told us about the metal bridges so we counted them and rivers and waited to find the Racing River. Turns out it's hard to miss :) It's got flashing lights and slow signs as the road turns sharply before it hits the bridge. The river is rocky and had a bit of water in it and so beautiful. Right after the bridge is their road sign and driveway. The driveway is quite long and the shouts of HORSES echoed thru the van. Then we were there. Honking lol. We didn't really know where to go you see. The buildings are amazing. 

That night we ate spaghetti and laughed. The two littlest boys eyed each other up. The big kids talked constantly. It was late when everyone went to bed. But morning came soon enough and it brought

Their dogs name is Malone. When we arrived he got so excited that he actually tripped over his own back legs and did a summersalt a top speed. He LOVES kids and after he settled a little they had a blast with him. The kids now play a game called Malone. It involves S being Malone and all the kids yelling at him while he jumps around, goes between their legs or their pretend horses legs/belly while they try to walk and generally makes trouble. 

SNOW!! The thing we dreaded the whole ride up, our Transits tires are not made for snow!, but we were all settled in by a warm fire with friends so it didn't matter any more. It did mean the days plans would have to be put off and we actually never did get to help worm and trim horses. The kids did get to ride horses though, and feed them. We had a hot dog roast for lunch and as the snow was pretty much gone by late that afternoon and Mr. B and Papa took the oldest 5 kids and 3 horses for a walk up the ridge behind their house. 

B&B's house and the ridge behind it. 

Kids and horses, always a fun combo! 

They actually forgot the phone but it just so happened that I ended up going there later on so this is one of the pics I took. There is a lot more to that story but your going to have to wait for it. :) This is part of their place, the fields are their hay fields, when the elk don't eat it all. The big white building is their shop. Horse corrals and storage buildings, summer housing area is all between the road and the shop. That's the Racing River on the other side of the houses there. If you look close you can see the lodge, house and our Transit. But, do you see any mountains? They keep telling us there are beautiful mountains up there somewhere but we haven't seen any yet! 

Mrs.B and I walked a bit and talked a lot and generally enjoyed one another's company while taking care of the younger crew. :) That night for supper we had elk steak, with potatoes and salad. The elk steak was fantastic. A few days of eating elk and at least four of us Griggs were plotting on how to get a regular supply. Steps are being taken :) 

Part two coming soon! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Transit Part 2

After we got back from our trip we were a little sad to see the van go. It was so handy in so many ways compared to our travelall. The first time we piled all back into the travelall we had a bit of a eye opening experience. The boys were growing faster then we realized and we didn't fit so nicely in the front seat all together anymore. Papa realized, somewhere in there, that if all our children stayed the same size as he was they would all fit nicely into the travelall forever, BUT J, our oldest was fast outgrowing Papa's size and he was only 11 years old! (At 12 he now out weighs his father and is as tall as I am!) 

Papa started watching YouTube videos and kept on talking about the van. I stayed mostly out of it but I did mention to him again that unless he was serious I didn't want to hear anymore about it. He kept on talking, and talking and talking. I have to admit I tuned a bit of it out, but it got harder and harder to do. He started talking to the guys at work and church and everyone all the time. One day he started talking about car payments and long term stuff like 'if we have more kids' and 'be so nice for long trips.' He started figuring numbers and I heard a lot about that for several weeks. 

Then one night just before bed he asked me if I was opposed to buying a new van, ordering it just the way we wanted it. I said no I didn't but I still didn't quite believe it. Soon after he went into the local dealer to talk to someone and came home with a web address; a Build your own Transit type webpage. Cool stuff btw. He also found a online transit forum and started reading like crazy. One of the big things that he really wanted, and he's been talking about painting the travelalls all this color, in turns, for years, was the color green as a rig color. But it had to be 'the right color green.' We've been to TONS of car shows looking for just the right green color. Turns out its one of the colors offered for the transit. I think that's when I began to believe it MIGHT happen. 

Papa went thru the webpage with a fine tooth comb, we 'discussed' for some time if we wanted black interior or gray. I wanted gray and I lost. He went thru each step of the website with me and we hammered out the details. Most of it was his ideas coming into play. Tow package, larger back up camera screen, something about the dash system (I still have no idea what that's all about! But I guess he'll figure it out and let me know.), extra long which meant extra tall and dual tires in the back, the color, his seat being powered (they don't make it available for mine) and privacy windows. There was more I'm sure but I've forgotten it now. 

We chatted more and more and he watched more YouTube stuff and then one day, fairly out of the blue he decided we were going to order it. It was right before Christmas. Merry Christmas to me I remember thinking. The next week I felt a little off. I told Papa, 'No he told me it is in your head. Your not pregnant.' HA!! I waited another week. Papa went to town and ordered the van. I still felt off, I was sure he was wrong. (For the record Papa almost always knows I'm pregnant before I do.) A few days later I asked him again. 'Nope not pregnant' he was sure. The next morning I took a test. Waited for it and then climbed back into bed with Papa and whispered in his ear. 'Good thing we ordered a van Papa, we aren't going to fit in the Travelall after August.' And then I giggled as he stared at me. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Transit Part 1.

Most of you know Papa is an International Havester guy. He's never really wanted any other kind of vehicle. In fact, his long time dream was to only run IHC's as our rigs. We managed it for several years since he got that little Scout awhile back and drove it or Polly ( the yellow travelall) to work while the kids and I drive the green travelall Peggy Sue on our travels. But things happen and life sometimes takes you for a ride where, when and IN something you didn't quite expect. We have to back up a bit. 

Last fall I was pretty sick. I had a couple of kidney stones, a blood infection and two surgeries in about 6 weeks. While all this, and more, was going on Papa's Granny, his last living grandparent, slowly went down hill and then passed away. We wanted to go and say goodbye and see the family. This meant a 16 hour drive and a border crossing. Neither which are super fun, never mind with 8 kids packed like sardines in the travelall. The last time we'd done a trip like this we'd had 6 kids packed into the same travelall and it was pretty full, but at least everyone got their own seat. This time the two big boys and Papa and I would be sharing the front bench seat and none of us like the idea of being crammed together for 16 hours, one way!, never mind right after surgery. 

The New Transit and Peggie Sue. 43 years between them. This was the day the Transit arrived.

After Papa saw me in for my last surgery he headed downtown to find something to eat, on his way downtown he saw a Transit. It was parked in a car rental business and it gave him an idea. When I came to, the idea was fully planted. We would rent a 15 passenger Transit. Papa had heard of them before, they've been common in Europe for years, and even done a bit of research on them. He liked the idea of them right from the start. It was the start. 

We rented the Transit, loved it, and the morning we left on our trip Papa was telling me all the good things about it. I was already sold. I'd been in it less then 20 minutes at this point. I had my own seat, several cup holders, and a beautiful view out the front! Besides that, the kids were happy in the back, all the bigs had a little and we still had enough room for all our stuff no problem. On the return trip we even managed to fit a little desk in the back with everything else. As Papa was telling me all these other good things I had yet to notice and some I never would have, he'd driven it to our place the night before, I stopped him. Flat out told him to stop. I did. We weren't even 20 minutes into our trip and I told him flat out. IF you DO NOT want me to FALL in love with this van even more, stop talking right now. IF this van is something you'd even consider buying KEEP TALKING. If you're trying to convince yourself. KEEP TALKING. I'm already sold. IF you can not even consider buying a van like this; STOP TALKING RIGHT NOW. The kids were all ears in the back seats. It's not very often they hear that tone at Papa ;). He was quiet for about 5 minutes. Then he kept on telling me about the van. And I smiled, but I didn't believe it. Not even a little. I don't think I really believed it until he handed me the keys and told me to get in.  

But we have quite a bit of story between left. Which I think I'll save for another day. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

T and S Adventures.

He is such a happy boy most of the time. Here he is getting ready for bed. 

Playing outside has become T's new favorite thing to do and if the big kids go out without him he makes a fuss! There was a little bit of water in the top of the tire and he was having a blast splashing it all around. When S heard him and came running to join in, then the two played in the freezing water for several minutes. Lol. When S came inside, I'd been watching them from my lawn chair the whole time, he confessed to me that 'T and me we played in water!' Lol. And 'it was cood' (cold)

T is now 13 months and he loves food. Here he'd been eating a string cheese, a granola bar and some crackers. He and I had a night alone as Papa had taken the older kids to the movie in the city. It was S's first theatre experience. He loved it but had a hard time sitting in the chair as it kept trying to fold up on him. So Papa had to have one leg on S's chair and one leg on G's chair on the other side! Lol. Neither of them are heavy enough to hold the chair down! Here is S with Papa at the movie. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Two Wheel Barrow Homestead

Yesterday in the city we picked up another wheel barrow. Our old wheel barrow is pretty much just a mixing and holding area for the cows sweet treat mix. Our cows are 100% grain free so we mix them up a special grain free treat for milking time. They love it. Here the old wheel barrow in its spot inside the woodshed. This wheel barrow has hauled uncounted numbers of loads of stucco, and it shows. It's got a bit of a wobble. It still works great, honest, it's just not quite reliable enough to haul heavy loads of stucco anymore..probably wasn't really last year either but Papa is good at making it work. It's been retired from stucco hauling and 'put out to pasture' as a cow candy machine. 

Here is the new stucco hauler, wood hauler and all around work horse.  J put it together this morning. Beautiful ain't she? 

So I guess in the world of the homesteaders...We are now a TWO wheel barrow operation 😉

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hey Y'all I'm resuming the blog!

Due to a LOT of circumstances I've really slacked off in blogging the last quite a while. Papa has asked me to resume writing and I'm going to do my best. :) 

SOOooooo... I can't just pick up where I left off and skip the large events that have happened since I stopped blogging and neither can I just blog in order of happenings until I catch up. So what I'm going to do is label all the old catchup posts BLAST FROM THE PAST. and leave the updated newer posts like I normally would. So hopefully, I will try too,  do a BLAST FROM THE PAST, or new post every day for awhile and see how it goes. (This is today's posts if anyone is keeping track 😉) 

Oh and if you want to hear about something in particular let me know and I'll do my best. I know a lot of you follow me on Facebook so you might have something you'd like to hear more about. I do post a lot more on Facebook then I blog 😃. You can either post on the Facebook page or leave me a comment on this post. 

Oh and you can also follow me on Instagram under jbgriggs77 or the hashtag #griggsfamilyhomestead :)

Here's to a fresh start. See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

And it's a.... (Gender reveal post ;) )

Boy! Our 6th boy and OH MAN did we have a time naming him! After much deliberation we decided to add another J name to the family. Little Mr. Jacob is measuring just about what he should on ultrasound (even though he looks like he's got some serious mucles already,) leaning his hand on his chin (I think we may have been boring him) and playing with his toes between bouncing off momma's bladder,  kicking the ultrasound wand, and laying stretched flat out on the ultrasound. 

At 22 weeks we are already buying yarn for his baby blanket, sorting out where he'll sit in the new van (post coming soon) and wondering if he's going to be a big boy or not. I think we are all a little excited to meet him! August will come much faster then expected, I know, what with the end of school, chicks, piglets, working on the house and all those sunny days I'm hoping for.