Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Summer Has Arrived :) Sun Burn Anyone??

What a great day in the sunshine!!! 
Yup everyone of us had a 'bit of red' after our fun day in the sun on Saturday! 
I did oil them up with JenK's Burn and Rash Salve that night
 and the next morning we had 6 little brown faces :) 
I guess Spring decided to skip us this year and Summer moved right in :) 
We had great temps of 23 and 24C (mid 70'sF) for the last couple of days!! 


The Calves Are Out On Grass :)

The cows think it's wonderful!! 
So cute to see two great big milk cows go gaga over two little cute calves!! 
The cows even sleep by the pen now! 

J, L and I set the fence up and then J and L held the fence up, turned off!, while Papa led the calves one at a time to the fence and I walked behind them as 'motivation.' Milton did quite well on the lead but little Patch fought and fought and fought!! When he finally did get in the fence Papa sat down and let him tire himself out on the lead rope until he stopped fighting it. J ran to turn the fence on and we watched while the calves learned electric fence. 

Milton checking to see if Papa had anything to eat. 

Yum.. green stuff!! 

Ah.. this is what we were looking for!! They are about a month apart in ages.. Milton being older. Patch is very small though for his age. I wonder if he will catch up! We shall see! He sure has attitude!! 

New Bird On The Place!

Seems to us this is a male/female set but we can't figure out what they are?? 

They make a funny sound... almost like they are throwing up (nasty I know) while sitting up in trees! (Mating call??) and there are about 12 of them around in a flock.

Bird Houses :)

Well this weekend we had a extra day and we got a couple extra things done! 
One was the bird houses got put up! YAY!!

L under the tree with his birdhouse. 

J3's bird house.. he was asleep when we put them up but he knows this is his. 
Each birdhouse has a letter on it.. J's has his name as it's short enough to fit :) 

E supervising Papa putting up her bird house.

J chose one of the last pine trees on the place for his birdhouse! 

One of the extra 3 went in this big old spruce tree beside the house! 
One of the few trees Papa and I want to keep around the house.

R wanted hers on the chick barn. 
There is also one on Papa's shed and another poplar tree right behind the house.
8 new bird houses! I was a bit worried we'd be too late with Spring all of a sudden showing up but there were birds fighting over at least two of the houses the next day!! YAY!! 
The kids are very excited to see if their bird house gets chosen and if the birds like the locations they picked! Time will tell :) 

I will HOPEFULLY keep you updated.. I'm able to sit for short periods of time these days but it's going to get even busier around here for the next oh.... 6 months :) lol.