Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow throw!!

The weather has been nice and warm, considering, for the last 2 weeks and the trailer roof was getting very iced up. When that happens Papa gets up on the roof and shovels off the edges of the roof just to give it more room to melt and get some of the snow out of the way. So he and the boys went outside and Papa monkeys his way onto the roof and starts shoveling. E and Baby R and I went to the door to see what all the fuss was about. We stood in the doorway and watched him shovel. Every load he would pick up and throw off E would giggle. It was really funny. Throwing it off the roof morphed into throwing partial loads at J who was beside the Travelall. Then before we knew it Papa was throwing snow at US in the doorway. His 1st, 2ND, and 3 shots I wasn't too worried as he had lousy aim, but the 4Th was getting closer and I told E to move out of the door way so I could shut the door but she was too slow and having too much fun. The 5 shot got us. Me, Baby R, L and E. Poor E was COVERED in snow. She was horrified. Truly. Her mouth opened and nothing came out for a long few seconds and then she SCREAMED (by this time she was well away from the door, she can really move if she wants too) . It was terribly funny. Mostly she got it on her head and shirt. But it must have been a direct hit because L, Baby R and I only got barely dusted. Baby R actually liked it. She giggled. It took E a minute to realize that she wasn't hurt, only surprised and then she calmed down right away and just looked like a mini snowman. He got 2 more hits in the door, surprising all of us while this was all happening. Snow everywhere!! I wiped it off E as best as I could, swept it to the door and L grabbed it in his mittens and threw it outside. Then E and I shut the door and left the troublemakers outside. :)
Later while he was shoveling the back half of the trailer the boys were standing at the end watching and all of a sudden the ground trembled and then 15 feet of roof snow (our trailer has 70 foot roofs on either side for the time being) from the wing roof went BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM off the roof. Wave after wave after wave of snow fell off the roof and crashed on the ground. Both boys were totally wide eyed with wonder!! So much snow fell off the roof (probably had about a foot over the whole thing) that Papa had to shovel a path through for Bindy so she could get to the milking area!! Is it any wonder I made sure they did NOT play on the snow piles under the roof line!!!