I'm told it was the 6th annual Fehr Family Rainout this last weekend. I think I missed the 1st one because I don't remember it. (Actually it would have been the year before we moved up :) Anyway it was our 5th. As the family has been growing it gets crazier and crazier. This year because of Grandma and the new baby Kyle we ended up changing plans at the last minute and camping closer to town then normal and no one went fishing at all. We went to a local lake that has a campground and bathrooms and a beach and playground but no showers. The kids had a great time. And we were all there. Though we did not get pictures with all of us. So we had Mom and Dad Fehr in their travel trailer, T&D Fehr and their 3 children, Luke, Alex (a girl) and Kyle (Aged 7, 5 and 4 days) sleeping on their boat (D took Kyle and Alex home for 2 of the nights ), S&D Thiessen and their children Justin and Ashley (the oldest grandchildren at 11 and 9) in a tent trailer, D&A Fehr and their 2 children Oakley (almost 3) and Kirsten (7 months)in her uncles travel trailer, A&K Martens and girls Mackenzie (3) and Courtney (5 months) in their motor home, Us with our 4 kids in out camper on the trailer, And M&D Campbell with their 2 children Kacey (1.5) and Ruger (3months) in their camper. And I must say it was a bit weird to be one of two of the girls that did not have a baby or newborn!! All in all we make 29!! Mom and Dad are 2, children and in laws are 12 and grand kids number 15!! 12 of the 15 grand kids are 5 and under!! 4 of the grand kids are under a year! Needless to say there was a lot of baby passing and strollers and kid fun stuff going on!! The older kids brought their bikes and ball gloves. The younger ones played on the playground and grass but mostly the sand that was everywhere by the end of the weekend. It did rain and we put up a huge blue tarp to 'live' under and our large 12 man tent for the kids. We also had 2 little shade tents that were great here and there and everywhere. There is 3 birthdays in a row in July and this weekend hit them all!! So we sang and ate cake and ice cream. Actually last week was Mom and Dads anniversary too (36 years!!). And Kyle's birthday too. So all in all there are 5 birthdays and a anniversary in 10 days in July!! Crazy days. There are 7 boy grandchildren and 8 girl grandchildren. The 1st several went boy girl boy girl but starting with our E there was 5 girls in a row so it's nice now that Ruger and Kyle have come to help balance it out. I told Papa that we should have a boy next too to help equal out all that girl power!!
We always do a treasure hunt for the kids and J turned out to be very quick with the clues. Good job J!! They all loved the small toy snack and water pistols they found at the end and we had a great water fight with anyone who could pull the triggers!! We were all very soaking wet and had a great time. Some of the men played rounds and rounds and rounds of horseshoes until their fingers were blistered but had a great time. I didn't cook a single meal all weekend and loved it. Papa is a great cook and it was awesome!! Thank you Papa!!! The kids took a bit of getting used to sleeping all together in the camper without their normal noisy fan but by the last night we all slept great and all the way through the night!! They are still tired though without naps for so many days and are catching up!! E went up to grandmas blanket on the beach one afternoon and layed herself down and napped!! Fell asleep in her life jacket and slept for over an hour. Other then that nap R was the only one who napped all weekend. Oh and Papa napped too.
We came home tired and weary and ABSOLUTELY FILTHY!!! So we checked the critters (Bindy was at the neighbors and had given him a bit of a run. Sorry Mike), unpacked the food stuff before showering everyone and sitting eating supper in our PJ's in the living room watching movies till bedtime. The next day was to tackle the dishes and laundry !! 4 kids + 2 adults + sand + smoke (the fire under the tarp smoked us all) + rain + mud + living outside for 3 days = a TON of laundry!!
We always do a treasure hunt for the kids and J turned out to be very quick with the clues. Good job J!! They all loved the small toy snack and water pistols they found at the end and we had a great water fight with anyone who could pull the triggers!! We were all very soaking wet and had a great time. Some of the men played rounds and rounds and rounds of horseshoes until their fingers were blistered but had a great time. I didn't cook a single meal all weekend and loved it. Papa is a great cook and it was awesome!! Thank you Papa!!! The kids took a bit of getting used to sleeping all together in the camper without their normal noisy fan but by the last night we all slept great and all the way through the night!! They are still tired though without naps for so many days and are catching up!! E went up to grandmas blanket on the beach one afternoon and layed herself down and napped!! Fell asleep in her life jacket and slept for over an hour. Other then that nap R was the only one who napped all weekend. Oh and Papa napped too.
We came home tired and weary and ABSOLUTELY FILTHY!!! So we checked the critters (Bindy was at the neighbors and had given him a bit of a run. Sorry Mike), unpacked the food stuff before showering everyone and sitting eating supper in our PJ's in the living room watching movies till bedtime. The next day was to tackle the dishes and laundry !! 4 kids + 2 adults + sand + smoke (the fire under the tarp smoked us all) + rain + mud + living outside for 3 days = a TON of laundry!!