Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

J3 is BUSY!!

Recently he told me his smile didn't work.. and it really didn't. I worked at it a little bit and then I was hit with a brain wave and took him over to the mirror. His smile still works in the mirror when Mommy tickles him. He is growing again and the pants Grandma F brought over a while ago that were too long, now fit him. He used to beg to play the computer game he likes but now after a couple minutes he's done. I like that. I like that he can feel free to try it out but still not be tied to it. He no longer asks to do school every 5 minutes either. He's quite contented playing critters with G and helping me with little chores or playing with S or R when she's done school. He's really quite helpful and enjoys being my little helper dude. He's never woke up dry ever so we've quit waiting for him too. The best thing we've found is just to teach them to wake up and go in the middle of the night. J3 will have to learn to wake himself up in the night to go to the bathroom. The 3rd day into it he woke up enough to walk to the bathroom himself instead of me carrying him, the first night, or pulling him along, the second night. It will be awhile before he will wake up and go alone. The scariest thing about this stage is having them wandering around in the middle of the night half asleep so I'm OK with getting them up and making sure they make it there and back. I'm up anyway. 

J3 has recently seem to mature a bit. He no longer needs constant supervision, though I still watch him like a hawk as I'm not used to this new stage yet. He is enjoying crafts and coloring more now and seems to have decided to work on his pronunciation as he's getting tired of repeating himself. He and I work on that here and there during the day. It almost seems like we are seeing the fruits from our constant parenting for the last 3 years and I'm hoping that's so. He still likes to be in the middle of anything that is happening but now he also seems to have the skills to DO many of the things he's been wanting too. I think we will have to modify the chore chart soon as he'll be ready for a bit more 'fun' stuff, as he calls it.

He really loved decorating the tree this year! The kids decorated Grandma's tree too and he was so careful climbing up on the stools so he could reach higher and so responsible and careful with the ornaments, hanging them just so, handling them gently. Quite a change from our little rough housing little man last year! 

5 Months Old~ New Picture of S.

Super cute isn't he?? 

He's getting places lately, a sort of odd scooting that I've not really been able to describe, but he can get a couple feet in a minute or two, and is never where you left him. He always has a smile for everyone. He doesn't discriminate: he has enough spit up to go around. He loves to be wrapped like a sausage in his blanket but also likes to sneak one hand out to hang on to his blanket. I'm not sure why he's hanging on to be but I secretly imagine he's worried the noise level may launch him off to never never land. He loves the noise, sleeps great with noise, but is getting to the point in his curious life where he wants to explore the noise.. even while nursing!! OUCH!!! So we have to cover his head, shut the door when he naps and generally help him have some self control. S spent the evening with Grandma F last week and was the life of the party, or so I was told, everyone loved him and I get that cause I'm his mom and I love him too. He makes me smile. He makes me laugh out loud and hysterically, OK that last one may (MAY I TELL YOU) be from lack of sleep, stress or plain old exhaustion or all 4. What can I say we've been busy!! 

Oh and last time I weighed him he was 14 lbs 4 ozs completely nakey (as G says it) which is still maintaining his curve.. and that's a great thing!! His earlier troubles have all but gone and he's a healthy little Mr. G now. 
Oh and as you can see, if you're wondering?, no teeth yet!
But he's working on them :) 

Monday, December 16, 2013

A City Trip and Date.

Papa, S and I had a day out in the city awhile ago and did some shopping and had a great day. Here is an International truck we found downtown. 

We also picked up a slicer from our new favorite store! Look at those cutting boards, and the big ones are only $30!! They fit over a big laundry sink! Score!! 

We went out for a sushi lunch too. Yum yum yum. S was a bit put out that he couldn't have any, but he did like the flowers on the table. What a wonderful day with my wonderful man.