I recently got brave.
HA I know what your thinking..
You think I'm very brave because we/I
- Raise our kids God's way, not mans!
- Know who I am in Christ and live it!
- I have 6 children, and will very likely have more!
- And had the last 4 babies without pain meds :)
- Drive a truck that turns 40 this year. (We are going to have a party for her :)
- Milk a cow and raise and butcher chickens and pigs.
- Home church and Home school my kids and LOVE it!
- Live in a partly finished straw bale house.
- Make a lot of the foods most people buy, butter, bread, etc.
I typed in.. cutting long hair into layers on google
and found this YouTube movie.. watched it twice.
Then I walked into my bathroom.. with my iPad for reviewing the movie in necessary.. and CUT MY HAIR!!
I didn't even need to watch the movie again! What I should have done then is search up how to cut the front to frame your face. I didn't. I just remembered what my last hair dresser did and DID it..
Yes I really did! Other then the fact that it's all a bit too long still,
Would I do it again? YES!! Every month I think :)
I also took my thinning scissors and thinned it evenly all around with my head still upside down over the toilet. I never lost the extra hair I got while pregnant with J3. So I had all that and all the stuff from Baby G and that was a LOT of hair!! I could have made a fair large mammal.. like a small cat!
I just realized I should have taken pictures. HA!! NOT!!
I really like the way it feels, how it curls in layers and how easy it is to brush and take care of now. I've been playing a bit with hair 'do's but I'm more of a farmer then a hair dresser and I'm not having tons of luck with that. One of the ladies from home church, all the ladies said they liked my haircut even though I'd gone to bed with wet hair and it was a FUZZ ball :), also wanted/needed a haircut so I sent her the link.. I haven't seen it yet but she says she loves it ;) * I've since seen her hair cut and it looks awesome. She took it one step farther and did the same idea as in the movie but split her hair in half over her shoulders and cut it that way too! Which I think I'm going to try for layers in the front!
Papa likes it too :) He says it's long enough to keep him happy and short enough to keep me happy!
What a great deal :) No having to find someone to sit the kids, making appointments and wasting time waiting forever! No awkward talking to some one I barely know
of while she cuts my hair. It took me less then 10 minutes and that was the first time! I saved money too :) BONUS!!!