See him? This Golden eagle showed up this morning. That gap in the trees is our lagoon. We just butchered a beef and the hide, skin and insides went into the lagoon. This morning there was at least 4 bald eagles and this one BIG golden!!
Zoomed him in some!!
Later in the afternoon the boys were outside and spotted him in a tree right above the tramp! It would have made a great picture but my camera found that moment to be out of battery juice! By the time I remembered I had other new batteries and didn't have to wait for the rechargeable's it was too late. He'd flown off. Both J and L were very excited to see him so close. We've lots of butchering to do yet so I'm sure we'll see him close again! There was also a TON of ravens/crows and a few magpies out there this morning. Papa said that some dog like creature was out there as well as he saw tracks and drag marks. They better leave my chickens alone!