Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Easter Eating Fun.

We had a family of friends visit us over Easter (yes I'm catching up!! Sorry!!) and we had a great time. They had never been to our place up north and we enjoyed showing them around. Their 13 year old daughter took some of the wildlife pictures in the "We went for a drive and what did we see." We fixed up our camper for them and they spent 2 dry and warm nights in it. :) Bonus!! LOL. They loved our homemade ice cream!! Papa grew up with B (the dad) and we knew them as a family when we all lived in the same town several years ago. We drove down to visit them 3 years ago so they had seen J and L but had only seen E and R through pictures. Their girls are reaching teenage dome and so now was a great time to get us all together again. We went to a local Church we visit when our home church is canceled and we had a Easter dinner and egg hunt afterwards in the yard. Papa and B had fun hiding the eggs and D and I had a great time helping the kids find them and taking pictures. We also had a Bible reading and Papa explained to the children the meaning of Easter and why we celebrate it. Here is D with a mouth full of chocolate.
Oh where Oh where have those little eggs gone. We thought the kids had found them all that day but we found several more over the next 2 weeks.
J careful in all he does. Even chocolate. Though he did end up with some on his face.
R LOVES CHOCOLATE!! Yes in capital letters even. She adores it. So I made it as painless as possible so she could eat hers in peace and without too much mess.
L playing with a hollow egg. Kept him busy for a long time. Great times.

E stuffing her face with chocolate!! Monkey!!

C being a good sport and letting the little children go for the easy ones. You can see here how long ago this was. We now have green grass where the fort was.

All the kids lined up in a row. C (13) , J (5) , D (10) , L (4), E (2) and R (1).

I never did get a picture of their whole family. Which I had wanted. Maybe she'll see this and send me one!! :) Love you guys.

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