Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Yard and Bits of Random News :)

We got our yard back today! It's had a huge hole and a trench and then a smaller hole and piles of clay on it since May. The bobcat broke down at a very bad time and Papa got it fixed last night! 

Papa got the bobcat going last night and started filling in the hole! The cats thought it was great fun! 

Curious here was chasing the dirt as Papa pushed it. When I took this picture I wasn't sure that his tail wasn't stuck. It wasn't. 

Oreo watched with me :) He's a bit smarter then his cousin. 

Papa brought a bunch of compost over and spread it around as good as he could with the bobcat. Then he seeded it, raked it and got all the kids to help pick up sticks and weeds out of it. After that it was packing time. 

He got the kids all lined up and got them all stomping and around and around they went! They had a blast! Papa joined in for the last lap and marched them around as good as any general. 

Then we watered it for a couple of hours.  It's late in our season but the grass is still growing on the farm. Hopefully we'll get a start this fall and it will control the mess in the spring. Clay is a pain any time of year but spring is the worst. The driveway is getting a couple of loads of gravel yet which will help a lot in the spring. 

Oh yeah and the bobcat is looking like this 

Papa got several smaller jobs done with it today and then he said something just wouldn't go. Turns out it needs another $250 part. At least it's happening now and not in the middle of trusses! That's the sliver lining. We must find a silver lining since we've put over two grand into this machine this summer so far and I don't even know how many hours of work! Hopefully it will last a long long time after all these repairs. 

Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying the yard today. 

S loved it! 

These two love the swings. J3 asked me today he if he could go 'wing? Complete with arm movements. They have both learned to 'pump' this summer and other than G needing help getting on they can 'do it ourselves.' One day it was close to two hours they were on the 'wings! 

And one of J showing me just how strong he is! 

That's three 6x6's and his 80lb brother on that wagon!! He pulled it no problem! We took the 6x6's off the yard area..I think we've decided if after two years we still haven't prepped them for sand we really don't want or need them. Sand we will still get, but a nice border to keep it in? Naw! We just aren't that particular ;) and it's so not a priority. Don't worry they won't go to waste! I've got some plans for a set of stairs for the trampoline and we'll need some for the doorways in the house. :) 

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