Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Very Random Sunday Ramble

I decided to try a Sunday walkabout this week as I can't seem to get blog posts together these days!

Here is parts and pieces of our week in no particular order :) 

Kids love chicks!

414! They are doing really well and we have only lost 3 so far. Super quiet and active. It looks like a great batch this year! 

Isabel and Maggie enjoying a new patch of grass! They have really remembered that moving = new grass and act like fresh calves when ever anyone starts pounding on a fence post! 

The vanity arrived this week! Here is the bottom right out of the box! 

And here it is all placed together in the bathroom it goes in! Yay! I also got the tub drain in this week! (My first plumbing job :) ) 

The pantry floor got painted and so did some rocks...

E's painted rocks. 




And mine, the monster was for J3 and the rabbit for G. 

The kids got the frames off the cement! 

Three little boys got their ears lowered. 

I tried to get a smiley S picture right before bed one night and he just would not hold still! Lol. 

J got a movie of a surprise can blowing up in a fire which I can't seem to add at the moment. I got to go out to a fundraiser with some friends and Papa chose to stay home with the kids. They had a hotdog roast with the M twins!  It was a fun night topped off by a great preformance of the Drill Team! Glow in the dark! Very very cool! 

In house news Papa got the upper cabinets in the kitchen and most of the last little cabinet built! We are slowly getting stuff together and making the house livable. This week we should be able to concentrate a little more on house and a little less on farming as the chicks are well set up and settled. 

In other farming news.  We lost a pig out of the blue last night and have no idea why. A little pig thankfully and not a sow. The calves are still out back and haven't come up to whine at the cows in at least a week. The raised beds are doing great and I didn't lose anything to frost this week! The flowers I planted even all survived! As are the raspberries and lilics! 

Papa has been driving Jack to work without a top on him! He bundles up in the morning so he doesn't freeze before he gets there! He took the kids for a ride too. 

I got this picture of a very rare two headed cow :) and this super cute kitten, who is as of yet still nameless...

Tame little male. He's super happy to get a scratch as you walk by. 

Here is a kitchen teaser :) 

Thanks for looking at our week! Have a wonderful Sunday :) 

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