Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thankful Thursday!

Ok thankful Thursday Ramble...

I'm thankful it didn't snow as the weather app said it would.

I'm thankful the kids are so helpful...we cleaned the straw bale house today after school, well we sorted, vacuumed, and swept and washed a few of the inside windows, but it feels a lot more 'finished now that some of it is not an active working area. 

I'm thankful for Papa and that he's a man of all trades. Today he was a farmer (built fence, mixed feed, fed/moved critters), mechanic (fixed Peggie Sue's something or other so she'll start....sillanode?), a woodsman (cleared a patch of bush so he could build fence), a pyro (burnt the mess of clearing) and a electrician (worked on the lights of the house). Never mind head of the house, major decision maker (apparently we'll save big time on electricity if we go with a on demand water heater!) and wonderful father/husband. 

I'm thankful that there is two rooms in the straw bale house that are close to being DONE!! They need a little bit of electrical work and the floor painted. The ceilings we are still 'discussing' ;) so we'll live with the plastic woodstrips look for awhile. One also needs some wall work.

I'm thankful that the job I had lined up to do today was not a time critical and it won't hurt it to wait until the sun is out. 

I'm thankful that tomorrow is R's last day of PACE work. Other then fun projects like planting seeds and crafts she is done for the year and has 1/12 of her Math for next year done too :) I'm sure she's thankful too..though J, L, and E are also wishing they were done too so they could be thankful too. 

I'm thankful my oven has stopped it's malfunction and is working again without stressing me out, maybe I'll chance making some cookies tomorrow :) 

And my one whacky one....

I'm thankful for little J3 and his energy level. He put wood on the back porch today, enough for the day, and is excited that that's his new job until fires stop. He's going to be a great and fantastic man some day... Unstoppable just like his father! But for now I'm doing anything to keep him busy which is pretty much the only way to keep him out of trouble! Tonight before bed I realized that he's wearing, at almost 4, the clothes L wore at age 6/7!! Going to be a BIG man with purpose! :)

It's an old picture but it shows how he does everything; to the max! He's such a little sweetheart with such a big heart! 

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