Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Morning Ramble and S Update

So it's 6 am and S is up. He's hungry and now that I can blog on my ipad I can write this up as he nurses. He slept 7 hours and I got 6 hours, in a row! Pretty amazing since I've rarely gotten more than 3 hours in a row since his first paediatrician appointment 6 weeks age. At his appointment last week she said he was gaining enough and I could drop some feeds at night. S must have heard her as he started sleeping longer hours that same night. So this is my third night with some decent sleep.  This will change my life. I may actually start blogging again. I've already started doing crafts with the kids again. I'm drinking less coffee, by almost half, and as the kids and I joke.. I'm feeling human again. R once got it mixed up and said she was feeling rather chickenish. We still laugh about that. 

S's appointment went well. He's now 12.5 lbs and 60 cm long. He's just about outgrown his 3 month clothes. If fact I have his next size in the house and will probably switch it in this week. His reflux is much better. He's even waking up on his back. I put him to bed on his side. He used to only sleep on his tummy. He has started to enjoy playing on the floor and rolling over belly to back and back to side. He is very strong and holds his head up really well. He loves to stand and is grabbing random things and trying to out them in his mouth. He loves to laugh. S is almost as cheerful as R was, always smiling and giggling. He is our smallest boy so far by a pound or so for his age. He's a Griggs :) where are J3 was a Fehr. Us Fehrs have bigger genes :) I'm the second smallest of my family and Papa is the biggest of his.. Makes for kids of all shapes and sizes. 

The paediatrician said we don't have to see her again so long as his breathing stridor doesn't get any worse but continues to get better. She said it should be gone or almost gone by 6 months. So far I've noticed a slight increase since he started sleeping longer hours, or maybe I'm just actually coherent again and it's always been like this. I'm truly not sure. I don't do well on little sleep. I NEED at least 4 hours in a row and I feel very fuzzy and out if sorts when I don't get it. I feel like I've lost some time. I know where it went though. It went into keeping S healthy and that's a good thing, a great thing, a calling even, so that's ok. 

The paediatrician did find a mild heart murmur this time but because it comes and goes its not a cause for concern. I have one too, and so does Grandma G. Mines never caused me a lick of trouble. 

The kids loved the paediatricians office. It's on the 10th floor, as high as any of them had ever been, and there are neat windows that show you the city from a new height. It makes me dizzy :) We found several landmarks and enjoyed the fall colors. But we were dissatisfied as we couldn't see our truck. We're funny like that :) 

That night Papa made us mussels steamed in white wine, with takeout sushi and oil and vinager and bread.  It was fantastic. I think we all felt like celebrating. It was a great day! 

Oh and P.S. we found a great new way to go shopping for kids with kids. iPods and iPads! Seriously! One of us would go in and take pictures of ideas and then come out and show the other and we decide and than one of us goes back in to buy it. Because we rarely shop without them and because we don't do Halloween we don't like to take the kids into stores this time of year. So this new way to shop worked awesome. It would work even better on two phones as you could text stuff back and forth! For us to be able to text Papas iPod has to have wifi and neither of the stores did. 

Anyway S is asleep again and it's only 7am so I think I'll try to get a couple more hours of sleep. 9 am is wake up time around here for the kids and lately for Papa and I too. I've checked the farm. The big pigs are sleeping in their big round straw bale, Maggie is snoozing and Isabel is getting an early start on her hay, the laying hens are up and about pecking around, the piglets (weaned yesterday and their first night alone) are huddled in a bunch in some straw inside their triple strength pen, the kittens in the tote in the entrance are wrestling and I can hear their feed bowls clanking gently together as they play, G just started singing in her playpen so I will go lay her down and shut their much light and she needs to sleep more. 

Here is a picture of S in his chair and new sweater. I have a non blurry one..but this will have to do for now as the other ones on the computer :) Have a wonderful day! Oh and Happy Thanksgiving Canadians!! 

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