Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Papa and I had chiropractor appointments early (ok 10:15 and 10:30) Saturday morning and so we packed up and headed out. Made it with all 7 kids in tow with everyone dressed, hair brushed and we even had breakfast!! Mind you it wasn't much of a breakfast. We had BIG plans for the day. Chiropractor, Papa had to work on a truck for an hour or so, taking the chicken plucker back and Papa had to prepare his sermon for the next days preaching. Full day! I was going to prepare our potluck meal and keep the kids busy so Papa could study.

ANYWAY we got to Dr. M's office, our wonderful Chiropractor :), on time and only slightly frantic from our crazy rushed morning. M called me in and Papa took S and sat down with the kids to wait. M and I had a lovely visit while she straightened me out and showed me how to relax my jaw. I'd tripped over a kids lawn chair and landed on another kids lawn chair and put myself out big time. By the time she was done and we left her office I was feeling much better.. A, her receptionist, was digging in a back pack when we stepped out which was weird but I whatever.. or so I thought until I looked at Papa.. I knew that look. Adrenaline was running HIGH!! A turned to me and said 'two kids tried to steal your truck!' WHAT!!! MY TRUCK!! MY PEGGY SUE!!! If it hadn't been for the look on Papa's face I'm not sure I'd have believed her.. Sorry A :) That's NUTS!! Why on earth would anyone want MY truck!! Sure she looks nice but most people couldn't tell you what breed she is or have any idea WHAT she was at all. We are ALWAYS getting people who want to know WHAT she is.

She is btw a International Travelall. A 1973 International Travelall.. 
She's not the kind of rig most people would try and steal. In fact Papa has always said that she had no value to anyone so he's always left his keys in her. "Who wants to steal a old rig like her' WAS his line about all our IHC's for years. Max worth for her is $5000. Seriously. That's it. 

Never mind the car seats!! Who steals a rig with 4 car seats and a base for a baby seat!! 

Well two 17 year old teenage boys tried too. Apparently they thought it might be fun to joyride and trash. 

Thankfully my Papa loves his trucks and recognizes the sound each one makes at start up.
Seriously. I'm still having a hard time processing it. 

Papa was sitting there in the waiting room. Heard Peggy Sue roar to life, Internationals never do anything by half's, looked up and saw our Peggy Sue pull a u turn RIGHT in front of the big 'ol picture window Megan has there in her office!! So what does he do? Jumps up, puts S on the chair he was sitting on and RUNS SOCK FOOT out on to the street. 

Now just a little note here. Peggy Sue is a good truck. She starts. She stops. She's never ever stalled on either one of us. EVER! 

Back to the story. Peggy Sue, being loyal?, stalled.  Her stalling... that was a God thing!! 
Yup, just as they were taking off down the street. 
So what did Papa do?? Papa ran up behind the drivers window which he'd left open and grabbed the kid by the throat. 

Apparently this is where Papa thinks the kid did something like Sid says in Ice Age
 'involuntary and messy!' 
Yeah apparently while you are stealing a truck your adrenaline is running pretty high and if someone sneaks up on you and grabs you in the act it's pretty darn frighting. 
A said when the kid ran past the window he still looked terrified but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Papa grabbed the kid by the throat because he wasn't wearing a shirt. Only a thin chain. He had his backpack on his lap. The truck was stalled. So Papa grabbed the kids back pack but when the kid left the truck he dropped his backpack and ran. Oh and the other kid.. the one in the passenger side.. he took off too.. the other way! So Papa threw the backpack on to the sidewalk.. and went to check on the kids.  

A, who had run outside on the sidewalk herself to see what all the fuss was about and didn't have quite so much adrenaline running through her, suggested they should look in the backpack and see if he had any ID. He did :) Oh and by the way.. Unless something like this happens to you.. which I sincerely hope not,  NEVER LOOK IN A 17 YEAR OLD BOYS BACKPACK.  The smell was enough for me. A was very brave! 

Papa called the police and they asked him a million questions and then nothing happened. Dr. M took another patient. Papa, A, the kids and I all waited. A cop car went by once.. twice.. six or seven times.. We thought hmm.. must be looking for them. Dr. M's patient is done so Papa goes in. Soon it's almost noon and we are wondering if they are coming at all and what we should do with the backpack. A and Dr. M were only working until noon so Papa took the kids over the block to the police station.. yes we were a whole block away from the police station when these boys tried to steal our truck. The station was empty but there were two ladies sitting out front. They told Papa the police had told them they'd be at the station in 15 minutes. So they walked back to Dr. M's office. Sure enough trucks pull by 15 minutes later and Papa went to meet them at the station. A few minutes later he was back with a cop.. who talked to everyone and told us, to our surprise, that they had already caught the boys. They'd trapped them in Riverside Park. Trapping them on 3 sides and the river and flushed them out. They were known to the police and Papa gave a pretty good description. He wanted Papa to go give his statement and so Papa walked us to the park next door, not Riverside, and the kids played in the park, I nursed the baby and visited with a friend and Papa gave his statement to the police... yeah so not your normal trip to town!! 

Turns out both kids where let out that afternoon as they are underage.
 Papa did press charges and he will have to go to court and testify against them. Those two ladies waiting for the cops?? Turned out to be the drivers mom and sister.. Papa had quite a chat with them. His mom apologized for her sons behavior and then told Papa that she'd stolen 14 vehicles in her years. That apple didn't fall very far from the tree did it? 

Anyway our day was half over by the time we got home. We both completely forgot about taking the plucker back, but Papa did fix the truck and prepare his sermon.. James 5.. and he did a super good job on it too :) 

Oh and our kids.. saw quite a bit of it. I wish I'd seen it. They were pretty impressed by their Papa, as well they should be. The description I got of him running the truck down and grabbing the kid's neck was awesome. It reminded me of Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon movies.. 

But this was MY MAN and HE IS AWESOME!!

Don't you mess with his kids, his wife, his trucks or anything/one he loves!! 

Oh yeah and we have a new agreement.. WE KEEP THE KEYS IN OUR POCKETS NOW :) 

We've had sort of an eye opening in several areas recently.

Either a couple days before or a couple after this event there was a white SUV driving really slowly past our place. This happens sometimes.. sometimes people even stop or come talk to us. A critter is out. They like the way we farm. We have piglets beside the road and they are cute.. they are on their phone and they get reception there. This person was leaning out of her SUV staring at the place. Papa and I were both instantly on alert. The kids were driving their bikes up and down the driveway. Papa started walking out to the road and I held back a bit.. I had S sleeping on me and I knew if there was a problem closer to the house would be a better place to be. I heard some words and I remember Papa saying "Hey I got 7 kids there" and what am I suppose to think? and then saw Papa relax a bit.. Turns out the area we live in is doing some sort of farm survey and she was suppose to drive around and see what areas were being used as a farm and what kind of things people were farming. Papa talked to her for quite a while and she gave him a newsletter that explained what she was doing. I think we must have missed that memo. 

Oh and that other guy selling books?? He's not out to get your kids.. did a bit of research.. he's driving around trying to sell books. I googled his company and so did many others. Here is a link. They might not be the best company out there but he does work for an actually company who sells books door to door.. he's not a creep trying to get your kids... in fact he seems like a big kid himself. 

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