Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring School Update! ***Brag Alert!***

E and L Finished Grade 1 Math Today!!

They've been working really hard at school the last few weeks as spring is arriving and they really want to be outside instead of inside doing school. L and E have 6 PACEs, 2 each of Science, Social Studies and English, and 6 or 7 small extra assignments left and they will be finished Grade 1!

They both placed very high in their 1st reading assessment, almost as high as J did last year! J averaged 55 cwpm (correct words per minute) with an accuracy of 94% on his first grade 1 reading assessment. L averaged 39.5 cwpm with 97% accuracy. E averaged 43.5 cwpm with 95% accuracy! Their teacher says that is amazing as she almost never sees scores like that!! WAY TO GO L and E!!

J has 1 more Math, English, and Social studies PACEs left, 2 more Science, Word Building and Creative Writing PACEs left. So 9 PACEs total, a couple he's part way through, and 9 or 10 extra assignments left and he'll be done Grade 2!

J also had a reading assessment test recently and even though we'd talked to his teacher and understood that she would be testing him on several levels we were still surprised at the results!! For Grade 2 the target is 72cwpm. She couldn't score him as he read both sheets in less then a minute. He read 99 words in 48 seconds with NO errors. For Grade 3 the target is 92 cwpm and his average were 136 cwpm with 100% accuracy! For Grade 4 the target is 112 cwpm and he read an average of 120.5 cwpm with 100% accuracy!! He is amazing and we are very proud of him. I don't think we've actually found his grade level in reading accuracy yet. This scoring will not change his schooling very much. We will have to work harder at finding books that he can understand and enjoy at his reading level. Right now he is reading the Sugar Creek Gang books which he loves. They are set for a 4th or 5th grade reading level. WAY TO GO J!!!

Papa worked 6 days last week and will work 5 this week, was suppose to be 6 but he's home sick today, and we have been getting all our PACE work, reading (Raz kids and books), along with our house chores and some fun projects done every day. Papa has the 1st week in April off and we could push it and get the PACEs done by then but we won't. We've had a little bug and it's better not to push so hard. It no fun for anyone! With Papa home for a week we will likely get all their science extra's done then. So I'll give it an extra week and say we should be totally and competly done by the middle of April. Though I just remembered J has a worm farm to create and unless spring comes faster then it is now...there will be no worms out and about for a bit yet. Maybe we'll head on over to Northern Worm Ranch and get a few :)

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