Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Speaking of...

Feast or famine.. that pretty much sums up my blogging lately :) I've been working on getting house stuff done that really needed doing and now that we only have computer I can no longer blog or go online while the kids are watching movies. So I've been reading more during their movie times. Just as a general update we've had MUCH more rain then sun this summer so far. We are getting some sun this week and farmers are cutting hay like mad trying to get it down, dry and in before it starts raining again. So far our SUMMER high has been 25C which is about 78F!! Yeah if it hits 20C we are pretty excited and spend hours outside. The pool has stayed under the porch, the hose is pretty much unnecessary, and the grass is AMAZING!!!

This piece of grass is from OUR OWN place!! It's taller then Papa!! We found some in PG for Papa's citizenship ceremony that was a good foot taller then Papa!! We've had FLOWERS here taller then E!!

I found the kids one mostly sunny day all staying dry under a table outside!! They had a blast!! 

Another day it was showering on and off and whenever it was 'off' I kicked them outside to play on the trampoline.. even though Maggie was 'mowing' the yard that weekend. They didn't care and neither did Maggie!! 

We've also started school work about 2 weeks ago now. We're starting slow with just Math and now one day of the reading program. The kids are enjoying it so far and L is pretty impressed that he will be reading before the baby comes. I'm having fun with R doing 'school' with her while the other kids do school. One day R's "school' was learning how to draw a happy face. She was totally impressed!! She was also the 1st one to the door to show Papa her 'school' that evening :) It's the little things that count!
Now that we are getting some sunshine we're going to be spending some time out and about having fun in it! 
Broilers are done for the year, pigs have a couple of weeks before farrowing, work on the house is coming along and Maggie is pretty happy with the abundance of grass this year. The beans and peas in the garden are flowering and the corn is tasseling. The tomatoes in the greenhouse are surprising me with their growth.. though the cukes, and zucchini  are not doing well at all. Laundry is finally actually drying on the line (its even under a roof!!) without taking 2+ days to do so!! And other then a royally needed dusting from our latest project the house is looking pretty good. Papa is back to work and we are getting used to the longer, odder, hours and odd days off again. Baby G is growing and making herself known in the normal belly stretching/bouncing way. All and All
  Life is Looking Pretty Good!! :) 

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