Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Dilemma

The kids really want to have a hot dog  roast. We were at some friends yesterday and saw another friend cutting wood on the side of his driveway for a hot dog roast that night. OH then the kids were SURE we HAD to have one too. So we were talking about it on the way home and I told them that we need to lose some more snow so before we have a hot dog roast. Then L pipes up with 'I got the spot mom' and proceeds to tell me where he thinks we should have a hot dog roast. Well after several rabbit trails about 'this trailer?? or that trailer? The one we live in or another one??' We finally figured out that L meant Grandpa's trailer in the middle of the yard by the two trees. I guess there is grass under the two trees and he was SURE that was the spot. So I explained we didn't want to burn the trees down so we couldn't have it under the trees. So then they had the inventive idea of MOVING THE TRAILER!! It's been there all winter and there is grass, dead, under it. So then I told them that the fire would make a hole in the grass if we had it there. E yells from behind me. "Then we would fall in!!" LOL. I laughed then explained that it would only be a hole in the grass and not in the dirt so you wouldn't fall in. J calls out that 'it's OK if there is one hole in the grass.' So I told him, jokingly, that Maggie might get terribly hungry if we burn up all her grass and then what would we feed her?  He said that 'Maggie doesn't need that little piece of grass.. SHE has LOTS!!' I countered with 'but what if she eats all the rest and she's still hungry??' He was not convinced though and they still think that Maggie can do without that little piece of grass. I was telling Papa all this just this morning and while I was talking I had a great idea. One that will save the grass and give the kids their hot dog roast. We have a nice big driveway!! :) It's all covered in snow and you can walk on it. The snow off the driveway and paths is still very deep and even J has started to fall through at least 1 level of snow. Which makes walking very hard and a hot dog roast impossible.

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