Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Weekend Project. Day 7!

This wall needs 3 more levels of bales on the very top and it's completely finished. This is the wall that is right next to the trailer. That white door leads into the trailer.
the back door area is almost finished. That large open space on the left is waiting for a window and then we can finish it off.
The outside wall. Both windows are in. The second one, farther away in the picture, needs a few supports before I can bale around it. I love the wide window sills.
The front half is almost completely done!! There is that little bit between the window and door on the front to do and some high ones on the left! Papa is using a bale needle here to make that bale a bit smaller! I stacked most of the bales in the walls as he was busy with windows and doors. We are already talking about doing some things different with the other side of the house. Window and door frames will be finished bit by bit first and then we'll concentrate on bale walls. Windows and doors take FOREVER!! :) Bales are super fast. 
Putting his re-tied bale in.
Got the bale in and is stuffing the crack between the window and door with loose straw! It looks like Papa doesn't have any days off, besides Sundays for a couple of weeks so building will be kept to evenings. We are heading out to the city to get ceiling materials tomorrow (kid less, Thanks Mom.) as that is the next big part of our project. The days are getting too cold to stucco the outside of the addition but we are planning on stuccoing the inside as well. The ceiling will be simple insulation and 4x4 finished plywood sheets and should go fairly fast. There are several little things that Papa and I can do in the evenings, like the door windows and hardware, bringing more bales home, the floor, wiring. Hopefully they will go smoothly and we'll be using this area soon. I miss my wood heat and washer and dryer :) Out of the 100 bales we had at home we use all but about 17. 

Day 7 was a great day for visitors as well. The whole T family showed up in two installments :) My mom brought us supper and stayed for a bit to see the work. Thanks Mom. My sister and brother in law stopped in with their two little girls and we had a nice visit! 

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