Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Update.June 09

Papa hurt his knee about 18months ago and then several times in between then and now. He recently got an appointment with our family Doc and found out that they wanted him to do a CAT scan on it 18 months ago when he 1st went in. No one from the clinic had called us so we didn't even know!! Anyway yesterday he went in for a CAT scan and he has a referral to a knee doctor in a town about 6ish hours from here. If he waits for the doctors in the 'City' he'll have to wait up to 2 years just to be seen!! With this other doctor he should be seen very soon and possibly even have surgery this summer!! They want to do a scope surgery to see what is happening inside the knee. Our family Doc was very impressed at how tight and strong his knee was. His hurt knee was tighter then his none hurt knee. Now that Papa is mechanic-ing his knee is bothering him more and interfering with his work. Papa is also getting geared up to go back to school. His 1st 6 week schooling season starts late Sept. He'll be driving to school in 'the city' everyday! It's only about 45 minutes from our house.

J, 5, is growing up!! He constantly surprises me. He loves to help and has started doing things for others with out being asked or in secret!! The other day while I was busy with something outside he set the table for supper with out even being asked!! He still loves his bike and yesterday we took the training wheels off... tried it without and put them back on. He simply isn't ready. The balance he needs is not there. Also his back tire has a wobble and it isn't helping.

L, 4, is talking more and more and getting IDEAS!! ACK. The other day he asked if we could have 'cut up apples and banana's and marshmallows with liquid chocolate!!' He's had chocolate fondue once but it sure made an impression!! He is also doing well on his bike. He went up and down the driveway at least 8 times yesterday!! Mostly though we find him in the sand box!! When ever I ask him to do something he always comes back and asks if there is something else he can do. What a great helper.

E, 2, is on a Beautiful kick. Everything is Beautiful!! Everything. Or she'll fall down and say, "Oh I almost fell down.' When really she did fall down. She also loves to be outside and hates to stay in with R when the boys are out. She can get herself totally dressed now and loves to pick her own clothes. Whenever I tell the boys to do anything E says "what about ME, what can I do!!" So I give her little chores to do to and she loves it.

R, 1, is talking more and more. She can say Mama, Papa, moooo, baaaa, please, more, nite nite, bye, love you, and lots more things that she just mimics. She is a climber and just climbed on the chair to see Bindy who is grazing out there. She is a little doll and everyone loves her and wants to hold her. We recently went to a wedding and she charmed everyone she met. She loves to put things, mostly diapers, in the garbage. She holds out her hands and asks for them and then proudly walks to the kitchen and, after some one opens the door, puts them in the garbage!!

Forrest our Black sheep died the other day. We are not sure why. He was tied to a truck and we found a dead chicken under the truck but could not find any anti freeze or anything that would have killed them. He did look a bit like the cat we lost to anti freeze so I did give him some vodka mixed with water which is suppose to take the anti freeze out of their kidneys but he still died. Papa and I hate having anti freeze around and have searched every thing and can not find any. So we really don't know what killed him. The boys barely blinked an eye but still want me to get some more sheep. We'll see. I think if we do it will be a grown ewe and maybe we can keep it alive!

I am still waiting for my kidney stones to pass. It's been months now and I have a appointment soon to see what else we can do about them. They don't bother me much but they are still there and they will bother me again when we decide to get pregnant again. I'm also looking into a herbal remedy for them but so far have not managed to start one. I'm really looking forward to butchering day and being almost chore less for a few weeks. My green house is growing well and soon I will have enough to do with out several sets of chores.

Our weather goes from sunny and windy to cooler and still. We've not had very many nice days were we can go play in the water somewhere. Hopefully we will yet. We've had several thunderstorms and one night we all sat on the couch and watched the lightning while Papa read to us. The boys loved 'catching' the lightning and then counting to see how far away it was. When it rains it rains at night which is also nice.

My raised beds got planted late but at least they got planted. Papa never did have time to bring the bobcat home and empty the manure stall and fill them in so I mixed up, by hand, nine large wheel barrows full of peat moss, manure and sand and put a 6 inch layer of this in each raised bed before planting it. It worked great but my shoulders are still sore!! I have peas, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, dill, radishes, turnips, and beets in the raised beds. Corn, potatoes, beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage in the garden (planted on time). And tomatoes, peppers, cukes, and some herbs in the green house. Oh and I have carrots and several zucchini in big pots here and there. We also ate our 1st strawberries of the year at Papa's birthday party!! Yummy!

Have a wonderful God blessed day!!

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