Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

IF April showers bring May flowers... what does SNOW in May bring??

We got 4 inches total!!!

Beside a bunch of disappointed humans??? Hopefully a real SUMMER!!! The last few years our nicest weather has been in May. Weird I know. But very true. This year we've have had April in May. YUCK. It wouldn't be so bad but we also had April in April. But finally now at the end of May it seems to be warming up. Gardens are being planted, grass is growing. The moose and deer are still not calving. Which, I believe, is late. Mosquitoes are back. But not badly back. Do-able. And by that I mean that when I go outside the mosquitoes don't all try to carry me off. I have one or two pestering me but not 100. Which is a real blessing. This is the 1st year in the last 28 that we have had snow here in May. It took 2 days to melt and wasn't cold enough to kill any plants or grass or trees. It just snowed. We have had killing frosts in May lots of times, frosts that can even kill the trees leaves but this is a 1st for snow this late in May. (it was May 19th when it snowed). Bindy was a very happy cow as she got GRASS!! She knew it was time. She bawled and bawled for 2 days while trying to look hungry enough so that maybe we'd take pity on her and let her out to eat all that grass. Papa waited til the grass was ready and then did she ever pig out!! Forrest likes the grass as well. Unfortunately his brother Snowball was found dead in their pen one morning. After playing the 'what if' for several hours a dear friend told us. "They say the only thing sheep do well is die!" How depressing but how true. And she would know. She raises sheep. After I told the kids he was dead. J told L that it was alright. He would share Forrest with him. That touched L and I and J has proven up on it already. What a sweet heart!! They also want to get more sheep next spring. That is, so far, the plan. Forrest is already doing a great job eating poplars and cleaning up in the small areas that Bindy doesn't really fit in to. Here he is by the greenhouse. He's been rubbing on the white peeling fence. Silly sheep.

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