Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last Load of Tin.

This afternoon a local store delivered our last 3 lengths of tin for the house. (The side of the trusses, the bottom 2 foot piece that goes between the old and new tin, and the ridge piece.) The driver, a young maybe 20 years old, called ahead and asked if we'd be home. "Yup I'm home all day" I said "but Papa isn't home so you'll have to unload it yourself." Quiet, last time Papa did most of the work and this guy helped. The last load was over 1000 lbs of tin and this one is only 500lbs. I also told him to put the tin lengthwise across the back of the flat bed dump truck. That way he could just back up to the porch and lift his dump bed. Making unloading easy. When he showed up an hour later we all ran to the window and sure enough! Worked great. The ridge piece he unloaded by hand no problems. Then with a bit of hand signals and some talking we got him backed up to the porch and the tin offloaded. I was inside the whole time talking and doing hand signals thru the front window and holding R, who waved at him the whole time. I did wonder if she would confuse him but he seemed alright, she did have a bright yellow toy in her hand. J, L and E were all crowded around watching and asking questions. When the tin slid off with very little effort L says 'He did it!" and E pips up "all by himself!!" A big deal to a small child who's goal in life is to do as little as possible and who hears 'you can do it!" several times a day!! Strange for a 2 year old I know. When he left the kids all waved like crazy he waved and honked his horn. Beep Beep. Here is what the place looked like yesterday. The tin we just got goes on the sides. One long piece goes where you can see the lines of strapping close to the top. One short piece goes on the very bottom and brings it all together. In the front of the picture you can see the boys melting snow fort.

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