Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SUNSHINE!! And Soup!!

We had a beautiful day the other day and we enjoyed it greatly. I'm not sure if we hit the expected high of 45F or if we passed it... I was out and about having a great time in the sunshine and didn't even check!! LOL. We took a trip to town to get some last minute butchering supplies then came home and played out of doors until past nap time. We grabbed the sled and hauled a load of shavings, we took pictures of the 'fort'
Going Inside.The Front Room.The Side Room and the Hallway. And the SWORD Holder!! Also can be used to keep a stick across the doorway so that no one can go in.The Back Room., we ran and threw snow. We got absolutely totally soaking wet and loved it. The sun was shining and warm. The water was running here and there. There is a large puddle under the Travelalls rear end that extends out and L loved to play in it!! We put all the kids (all totalling 110 lbs) in to the sled and I pulled them to the mail box and back. Baby R sat in the snow, sun on her face and watched the others run and play. We had a great time. I checked the fence that I just posted pictures of and the snow has melted between 4 and 6 inches!! Then we headed inside, sucked down a can of soup and went down for naps. I love feeding soup to my kids. Well. No I love the quickness of it. I wish it was our own tomato soup then I would really love the whole deal. Soup for 3, or 4, is easy!! I grab a can of soup. J opens it and puts it in a 4 cup measuring cup or a bowl. I add water and microwave it, then I grab a jug of milk and straws and add enough milk to make it 'warm' and they all drink it up through the straws out of the measuring cup. Measuring cups work the best as they are not so tippy as bowls and have smaller tops. If Baby R is awake for lunch she gets soup and milk mixed in a cup with her own straw!!

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