Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Travelall Fun and an E funny.

Yesterday we got to go to town in the morning to get our new car, a 1990 Honda Accord. Papa has been looking at it for awhile and he went out and bought it Monday but we couldn't go get it home until Papa got the Travelall running. The car is 19 years old and 19 years newer then the Travelall!! It is the newest car we've ever owned and the 1st to have a trunk!! He got the Travelall running late Tuesday night after spending almost all of Monday and Tuesday on it. I figured it out this is the 1st time the Travelall has really broke down in the 2 years we've been driving it. After we picked up the car and dropped Papa off at work we did some stuff in town then drove to Grandma house for a long awaited visit. When it was time to go I managed to get the back in the Travelall stuck on the down hill side of a very icy shallow hill. Not a big deal I thought and got out to put her in 4x4. Well it wouldn't work. It just made this horrible grinding sound. So I took it out of 4x4 and we managed to get out with out it. As we drove away my Travelall started to make a horrible grinding noise again. I pulled over and in the driveway across from me was a man standing by his truck. So I hopped out and asked if I could borrow his phone then called Papa at work and begged for help. I was so upset. He finally got the Travelall working and his wife goes and wrecks it the 1st time out. Well Papa came down and drove it and we looked at each other and groaned!! OH NO!!! So I limped it back to Grandma's and he went back to work to get some fluid just in case it was just a case of low transmission fluid. He came back 5 minutes later and checked one thing and SMILED!! He had gone back to work and told his two bosses what was going on and one of them had this same thing happen to him!! We are blessed with Bosses as neither of them even turn a hair when Papa has to come rescue his wife and one told him to stop apologizing as had I needed him and that was fine!!! LOL. It turns out the horrible grinding noise was a tiny part that connects the front wheels to the back!! He took that whole drive shaft right out, it took him 15 minutes, and off we went!! We will not have 4x4 until he replaces that part and puts it back in but that's OK I've gotten stuck 2 times this winter already I think I'll just STOP NOW!! LOL.

While Papa was taking out the drive shaft I had taken the kids back inside Grandma's house. E was asleep when I brought her in and when she woke up she asked "Why Grandma's?" So I told her that Momma had broken the truck and Papa needed to fix it. And she tells me "Need to be more careful Momma!!" That is what we tell them when a toy breaks or someone gets hurt. Need to more careful is right.. Maybe it's a good thing I've been stuck at home these last 3 weeks, of the 4 times I have been out I've gotten stuck.
One of Papa's bosses played a joke on Papa a while ago now. If you look really close you might spot it!!

Yes that is a FORD sticker on our 1971 International Travelall!! His boss found one on a pickup somewhere and siliconed it on the front of poor Polly!! Papa sent me out in the middle of the night claiming I HAD to go see what his boss had done!! It was worth it!! I laughed so hard!! Papa gets teased more about his Internationals at work then anything else.

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