L on top of the stack.
I love these pictures.
My kids are growing up and maturing in so many ways!!
We recently went out as a family and picked up a load of straw bales.
If your a regular reader you already knew that :)
Here is the rest of the story.. :)
J got some driving lessons while Baby G slept soundly through out. She only woke at the very end.. while I was driving... to smile sweetly at the Straw Man who was getting a ride back to his truck.
J did really well driving in the field. It was his second time driving ever and he was pretty excited! The peanut gallery (E, R and J3) egged him on from the backseat, backseat drove and pretty much enjoyed every minute of it. L was helping Papa and the Straw Man stacking bales as they threw them on the trailer. I was surprised to see he can move those bales pretty good, all that good food is turning into muscles I see :) J drove down the field and then hopped on the bales for the final few before getting to ride the bales down the field to the road. Super fun I was told but apparently they were a tad bit worried they'd have to ride home that way.. boys!!
I wanted to make this saying into a reminding sign for me in the house.. and didn't realize until I'd saved it that I copied over the original.. that's ok I can share it with you :)
That's 97 bales.. and we got two full loads.. so that's 194 bales on the floor.
Waiting to be made into walls.
That should do us for a while :)
Thanks for reading.. my baby is home and my bed is calling me :)