Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19

New International Version (NIV)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


S at 11 days old snoozing with Papa.

Ham And Bacon.. A Movie!

E helped me get this little movie of Ham and Bacon this morning... Actually there is a story behind my walkabout with the camera this morning. I better start there.

J is laid up on the couch, post coming, so I was a bit surprised when E came running inside from doing chores to ask him to come out and help them. When asked, she admitted that one of the piglets had jumped out of the barn and they needed his help to get it back in. I think my eyes bugged just a little. Oh my!! I'm not super agile normally and really not right now and I knew J should NOT be out chasing piglets so I handed S off to J, got some socks on and prepared to head out and see what we, L, E and I, could do. Before I even got my second sock on though E came back and told us that L had caught him, it was Bacon thank goodness and Ham is HUGE!, and got him back in the barn!! Thank you Lord!! WAY TO GO L!!! Anyway since I had my socks on anyway I headed out to see how the piglets were doing as I've not seen them in several weeks. They are doing awesome!! Bacon, the one in the front in the movie chewing on E's shoe,is still smaller then Ham as you can see but they are both a pretty nice size for 2 months old!! I just checked and their birthday was May 10th! They are getting at least 2 gallons of milk a day, one in the morning and one at night and today we are going to soak some broiler feed in milk and feed them that tonight.

Soon they will go out in some electric fencing but we need to do a little pig surgery first :) 

Here are a few more pictures of my little walkabout :) 

Isabel in the rye. Papa has been giving them a little at a time for several days. They LOVE it. 

Little girl looking a bit pregnant :) She should have babies in about a month. 

The herd of pigs.

The tethered calves behind the house. That's our last hay bale on the trailer there.. free choice with the rye. The calves are in the cow pen but thankfully the cows act like they aren't even there. We had worries of the cows trying to adopt them and let them suck. 

Some kind of melon plant that is coming up in the cow pen.. Last year there was one plant and this year over ten! I'm curious to know if any fruit will grow.